1. Give victims a voice by believing them.
2. Be there. Let her know she's not alone.
3. Encourage reporting by providing support.
4. Pay attention to signs of abuse and be ready to act.
5. Become aware of lesser-known abuses.
6. Address systematic barriers in the legal system.
7. Hold perpetrators accountable.
8. Contribute your time and resources.
9. Change attitudes and narratives.
10. Recognize and challenge victim-blaming.
11. Challenge myths and assumptions.
12. Recognize and stop behaviours that normalize violence.
13. Challenge gender inequality.
14. Men, be positive role models.
15. Speak up against sexist jokes, comments, and behaviours.
16. Influence your circle of friends.
17. Avoid and counter locker room talk.
18. Be mindful of your words and actions online.
19. Reject rape jokes and metaphors.
20. Be an active bystander.
21. Promote high school prevention programs.
22. Promote post-secondary prevention programs.
23. Create a consent culture. Respect boundaries.
24. Understand what abuse is in order to prevent it.
25. Challenge attitudes that perpetuate social norms.
26. Educate on gender roles, consent, and stereotypes.
27. Promote healthy and equal relationships.
28. Promote cultural change through awareness - FGM.
29. Promote cultural change through awareness - child marriage.
30. Deliver community prevention and awareness initiatives.
31. Learn about consequences and costs of violence.
32. Promote and train bystander intervention.